Snapshots of London | Part 2, and the British Museum

October 26, 2013

I’m making Red Bean Mochi today from the Ode to Japan volume of Kinfolk. While I’m waiting for my red beans to simmer and absorb all the water (hopefully it will, as right now there’s still a lot of water sloshing about in the pot) here are the rest of the photos from the boo’s trip to London. Let me just put on the record that Kinfolk volume 8 is my favourite Kinfolk volume so far; there’s just something about Japanese language, food and culture that is just so softspoken and gentle.




  1. Hey! I just found your gorgeous space accidentally through flickr :) I love these kind of blogs that capture the essence of everyday beauty. So lovely to be here!

    1. Thanks Anna! Glad you like my blog. I loved your blog as well, very beautiful pictures. :)
